Brian Harrington

Brian Harrington is an anomaly for any millennial-- the multi-hyphenate hipster is an entrepreneur, film producer, and actor.

Bitcoin Rise Wallet Review

Big thanks to Crypto Lawyers LLP for sending me a Rise Wallet gift card so I could try it out.

The summary is it worked very well and the experience was great.

After you get your Rise Wallet gift card, search for Rise Wallet in the app store, this is what it looks like below. Download it and click on Redeem Bitcoin.


Next you scratch off the back of the gift card and scan it with the QR reader, below is what the Bitcoin looks like after it’s in your wallet.


I love the idea of people being able to buy Bitcoin at the store the same way they buy a gift card for any other kind of service or the same way they buy a Visa cash card.

The gift card model plus the mobile wallet is an easy way to get people into Bitcoin.