Brian Harrington

Brian Harrington is an anomaly for any millennial-- the multi-hyphenate hipster is an entrepreneur, film producer, and actor.

Meghan McNulty: Jessica Millan Patterson Is Leading California’s Republican Comeback | The Schpiel

Jessica Millan Patterson Is Leading California’s Republican Comeback

By Meghan McNulty for The Schpiel

Last November, the California Republican Party was clearly on the wrong side of victory, losing every single Congressional seat in traditionally Republican Orange County, as well as several competitive Congressional and state legislature seats throughout the state. After over a decade of failed leadership at the state party level, the CA GOP needs a new leader for this reformation, and they have found her.

Jessica Millan Patterson, who was elected Chair of the CA GOP in February, is poised to be the architect behind turning California into a powerful GOP force to Make California Great Again. She is the first female chair in the history of the California Republican Party, and more importantly, she represents a bold new set of ideals that will restore California back to greatness and help Republicans take back the house in 2020, 2022 and years to come.

Read the rest at The Schpiel

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